2012年8月24日 星期五

八月份回顧--想念TAIWAN羅東❀林業文化園區 Luodong Sweet Memories in August

Somehow I realise that I always start working during my off day if I am not going anywhere.
Hmph... I think I am hardworking~
Before August ends, I would like to keep my memory fresh by writing everything down.

8月1日是颱風天。(哦又是颱風) 下午宣佈停班挺停課,於是趕緊趁上午把漂流木完成呀!
1st August-It was a typhoon day. It was an off in the afternoon so we had to rush to finish our art work in the morning.
Visit also: 颱風天的漂流木再生 Recycling Woods in Typhoon Day

8月2日是我第一個颱風假。更多請看 颱風假隨筆
2nd August-It was my first typhoon holiday.

8月3日回到展館上班。幫忙掃了很多落葉,好有成就感!(偷偷告訴你,我其實很喜歡掃地 ><) 颱風天之後,展館特別少人,我們三個駐館人員又瘋起來了。拍謝啦,宜君,我要出賣你了……(手伸出來給你打)
也因為這樣,我們有 Luodong Fashion Show和魔術盒子。
3rd August-It was the day that we had to get back to work in the exhibition hall. I had been helping to sweep the fallen leaves. (I love sweeping ><). Since it was the day after typhoon, we had fewer customer in the hall and we started to turn into crazy monster today. Sorry Julie that I had to betray you this time.
And so we had this Luodong Fashion Show and the Magic Box.

8月4日也是展館日。就因為藝文區只有在週末才會比較熱鬧,我們就這樣又跑出去玩了。(被打) 最不擅長跳躍的動作了 =3=
4th August-It was a day to work in exhibition hall again.But we went out and had some fun in the Art and Culture Garden.
It was raining at the end of the day. Chi was smart and she had a fashion show in the rain.

8th August- Hsinchu's friends came to our place to pay a visit and it was also the day we had been looking forward to.

8月9日是宜蘭休閒一日遊哦~ 這次的司機竟然是保姆家芸姐!真的很感激她!
9th August-We had our one day tour in Yilan and our driver was the baby sitter! We really appreciate it and wanted to thank her so much!

10th August-We went to Mangrove Exhibition Hall in Danshui. We went on a wooden trail to watch the crustaceans. They were so cute! We also managed to make our self a self-designed handkerchief.
P/S: Jam was such a absent minded person. He brought along his camera lens and he seems to be so professional. The funniest thing was that he did not brought along his camera memory card. OMG... I was very kind and I borrowed him my card as his camera was much powerful than mine.
Visit also: Mangrove training in Taipei

14th August-Another blogging day but we had went to the Nature Centre for the preparation of Forest Observation Plot. Yeah~ We love outdoor activities~

15th August-A day as a forester was not a piece of cake. Well, I realised the big difference in between an art stream and a science stream student. You must not ignore the decimal places during the calculation as you like! I am really serious here. This was how I didn't got to do well in my Analytical Chemistry KAT141... Sob... It was such a sad story...

16th August-Sidu Plant Nursery was another playground of ours. It was so comfortable there! Mr. Yang had taught us a lot about the plants. Okay, I think the ferns are cute if they don't have spore on them.

8月17日本以為會穿青蛙裝下水清理水生池,可是這一次的工作是水生池周圍清理。被刺茄刮傷的傷口還在啊 =[ 大雨中賣力工作還是頭一次,蠻不錯的體驗呢~
17th August-I thought we would be putting on froggie suit to clean the pond but we ended up to clean the surrounding of the pond. We did working hard in the rain. It was fun!
Visit also: 羅東的工作假期 Working Holiday in Luodong

8月19日是高生產日!大家都在做最後的衝刺把參賽影片做好。各位辛苦了~ 真的不得不佩服游惇理的畫工,他把台灣特有種都畫進去了耶。五個人裏面,他把我們畫得糟糟的,然後把自己畫得最帥最好看…… =3=
19th August-It's a high production day! Everyone was editing the video for the competition. Well done! I really admire Jam's drawing, he drew some Taiwan species animals there. He also drew the five of us but he made us looked so ugly and made himself with such a handsome face... =3=

回台北的回台北,回莊圍的回莊圍,剩下我和Chi,寫信封地址的重任自然落在我的肩膀上。我可是在把要寫的字複製到Microsoft Word,把字體調得最大,一筆一劃寫出來的心血啊~~(我只會寫簡體中文)
There were just Chi and I so whom do you think should be writing the Chinese character on the envelope? I had been struggling hard when writing it as I can only write Simplified Chinese. ><

 8月21日的早上,在林場驚見超大禮物盒What A Big Surprise!那是什麽呢?
21st August-We saw a big surprise present in our culture garden! What is that? You can check that out from the link above. =]
We went to Qilan(A place with a lot of tall and huge trees). The road was not really comfortable to travel on so we had to sleep to prevent carsick. We were given some weird fruit and it was" Mountain Pepper". Wait a minute, I have Mentos to relieve some uneasiness. =D
Okay, but I don't feel like sharing it with you! How dare you this little newcomer volunteer in Nature Centre poking the back of the Malaysian volunteer at the supermarket and some friend of mine heard it and told me about it. What a small small world.
Visit also: 棲蘭游 Trip to Qilan

22nd August- Jingualiao Fish and Ferns Trail was the last trail we managed to go for. It was a challenging trail.

24th August- It was my first typhoon holiday which I got it like free. The weather was so good and was not as bad as the previous typhoon. But I worked the whole day in the dorm and so it made no difference whether it's a holiday or not.
Typhoon took away our chance to go to Taipingshan again. We still can take it as one of the experience to enlighten us.

♥ By Joyyi ♥

